10 research outputs found

    Residential building

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    Předmětem diplomové práce je navržení bytového domu. Jedná se o novostavbu v Brně Maloměřicích. Objekt je navržen jako bytový dům s 21 bytovými jednotkami. Ke každé bytové jednotce náleží jedna sklepní kóje. Navrženo je také příslušné domovní vybavení. K bytovému domu byly navrženy také parkovací místa, které jsou umístěny v bezprostřední blízkosti domu. Zamýšlený objekt je navržen jako prefabrikovaný železobetonový skelet. Objekt je založen na železobetonovém roštu, a je zastřešen plochou střechou.The subject of this master thesis is a design of a apartment house. The Building is situated in Brno Malomerice. The building is designed as an apartment building with 21 residental units. Each flat include one cellar. Also proposed is appropriate residential facilities. For the residential building were also proposed parking spaces, which are located in the immediate vicinity of the house. The proposed object is designed as prefabricated reinforced concrete frame. The building is based on a reinforced concrete grid. The building is designed with a flat roof.

    Detached house with an establishment

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    Předmětem bakalářské práce je navržení rodinného domu s provozovnou. Jedná se o novostavbu na okraji zastavěného území, obce Uherský Brod – Újezdec. Navrhovaná stavba se člení na dva stavební objekty, a to Rodinný dům a Provozovnu. Rodinný dům je navržen jako podsklepený 3 podlažní dům, přizpůsoben pro bydlení 4 osob. V provozovně se nachází kancelář finančního poradce, nutné zázemí, a garáž pro dva osobní automobily, náležící k rodinnému domu. Objekty jsou navrženy jako zděné stavby, kde svislé nosné konstrukce tvoří zdivo Porotherm, vodorovné konstrukce tvoří polomontovaná stropní konstrukce Porotherm. Objekty jsou zastřešeny plochými střechami.The subject of this bachelor thesis is a design of a family house with business premises. The building is situated at the outskirts of the settled area of a town Uhersky Brod - Ujezdec. The proposed building consists of two parts, the family house and the part designated for business purposes. It is a three-storey building with a basement, customised to accommodate 4 persons. To the business premises belong an office for a financial advisor with necessary annexes including a garage for two automobiles, which is an indispensable part of the building complex. The complex is designed as brick buildings with structural system Porotherm as the vertical supporting construction and for the horizontal supporting construction the Porotherm semi-fitted ceiling system was used. The buildings are designed with flat roofs.

    Risk Managament in Project Management

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá problematiku řízení rizik v projektovém managementu. Soustředí se na projekt, který popisuje změnu procesu udělování dovolené a zavádí motivační systém pro zaměstnance. Práce je rozdělena do tří části. První část popisuje teoretická východiska na základě odborné literatury. Analytická část popisuje současný stav procesu, společnosti a identifikuje rizika. V návrhová části jsou navržena opatření ke snížení rizik v projektu a také jsou předložena doporučení, která zvýší pravděpodobnost přijetí navržených změn.The diploma thesis deals with the issue of risk management in project management. It focuses on a project that describes a change in the holiday process and introduces a motivation system for employees. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part describes the theoretical basis based on professional literature. The analytical part describes the current state of the process, the company and identifies the risks. The draft section proposes measures to reduce the risks in the project, and recommendations are made to increase the likelihood of adopting the proposed changes.

    Detached house with an establishment

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    The subject of this bachelor thesis is a design of a family house with business premises. The building is situated at the outskirts of the settled area of a town Uhersky Brod - Ujezdec. The proposed building consists of two parts, the family house and the part designated for business purposes. It is a three-storey building with a basement, customised to accommodate 4 persons. To the business premises belong an office for a financial advisor with necessary annexes including a garage for two automobiles, which is an indispensable part of the building complex. The complex is designed as brick buildings with structural system Porotherm as the vertical supporting construction and for the horizontal supporting construction the Porotherm semi-fitted ceiling system was used. The buildings are designed with flat roofs

    Criminality during blackout

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    Předložená bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou kriminality v době velkoplošného výpadku energie, který způsobí narušení infrastruktury a vnitřní bezpečnosti. V teoretické části je provedena rešerše literárních zdrojů a jsou vysvětleny základní pojmy spojené s řešenou problematikou, elektrickou energií a blackoutem. V rámci analytické části jsou uvedeny příklady již nastalých mimořádných událostí spojených s výpadky elektrizační soustavy velkého rozsahu v České republice i v zahraničí. Následně je provedeno posouzení bezpečnosti v době vybraných blackoutů, které narušily běžný život občanů ve světě. Je také provedena analýza narušení bezpečnosti a veřejného pořádku v době blackoutu. S ohledem na skutečnosti zjištěné v rámci analýz je navrženo opatření při narušení bezpečnosti a veřejného pořádku.The presented bachelor thesis focuses on the analysis of crime at time of a large-scale power outage, causing, disruption of the infrastructure and internal security. The theoretical part researches literary source and explains basic concepts rekated to the solved issues, electric energy and blackout. The analytical part summarises examples of emergencies associated with large-scale failures of electric power system that happened in the Czech Republic and abroad. Consequently, a safety assessment has been conducted on selected blackouts that had disrupted the daily life of citizens around the world. Also, breaches of security and public order during the blackout have been analysed. Given the evidence gathered from the analysis, measures against disruption of security and public order are proposed060 - Katedra bezpečnostních služebdobř

    Electrochemical Determination of the Antioxidant Potential of Some Less Common Fruit Species

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    Various berries and fruit types of less common fruit species are known to contain antioxidants. Consumption of high amounts of antioxidant flavonoids, which display a variety of biological properties, including antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory activity, may have a positive impact on human health, particularly for the prevention of cancer and other inflammatory diseases. In these studies, based on the hypothesis that the fruit extract with the highest content would possess significantly higher health benefits, flavonoid-rich extracts were obtained from some less common fruit species - Blue Honeysuckles (Lonicera Kamtschatica and Lonicera edulis, Turcz. ex. Freyn), Saskatoon berry (Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt.) and Chinese Hawthorn (Crataegus pinnatifida BUNGE) - grown from germplasm held at the Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno, Czech Republic and then characterized in terms of biological value based on the results from a relative antioxidant capacity assessment. The antioxidant content evaluation was based on the total flavonoid amount, determined by liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection (HPLC-ED). A DPPH center dot test was applied as a reference. The antioxidant content measured in Chinese Hawthorn fruit extract identified it as a potent source of flavonoid antioxidants, with a content 9-fold higher than that seen in Amelanchier fruit. The multifunctional HPLC-ED array method coupled with a DPPH center dot reference appears to be the optimal analytical progress, accurately reflecting the nutritive-therapeutic properties of a fruit

    Determination of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Electrochemical Detection

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    Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, ascorbate, AA) is a water soluble organic compound that participates in many biological processes. The main aim of this paper was to utilize two electrochemical detectors (amperometric - Coulouchem III and coulometric - CoulArray) coupled with flow injection analysis for the detection of ascorbic acid. Primarily, we optimized the experimental conditions. The optimized conditions were as follows: detector potential 100 mV, temperature 25 C, mobile phase 0.09% TFA: ACN, 3: 97 (v/v) and flow rate 0.13 mL.min(-1). The tangents of the calibration curves were 0.3788 for the coulometric method and 0.0136 for the amperometric one. The tangent of the calibration curve measured by the coulometric detector was almost 30 times higher than the tangent measured by the amperometric detector. Consequently, we coupled a CoulArray electrochemical detector with high performance liquid chromatography and estimated the detection limit for AA as 90 nM (450 fmol per 5 mu L injection). The method was used for the determination of vitamin C in a pharmaceutical preparations ( 98 +/- 2 mg per tablet), in oranges ( Citrus aurantium) ( varied from 30 to 56 mg/100 g fresh weight), in apples (Malus sp.) (varied from 11 to 19 mg/100 g fresh weight), and in human blood serum (varied from 38 to 78 mu M). The recoveries were also determined

    Use of Liquid Chromatography with Electrochemical Detection for the Determination of Antioxidants in Less Common Fruits

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    Neurodegenerative disorders (NDD) have become the common global health burden over the last several decades. According to World Health Organization (WHO), a staggering 30 million people will be affected by Alzheimer's disease in Europe and the USA by 2050. Effective therapies in this complex field considering the multitude of symptoms associated with NDD indications, have not been found yet. Based on the results of NDD related studies, prevention appears to be the promise alternative. Antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties are hypothesized for natural phenolics, a group of plant secondary products that may positively impact neurodegenerative diseases. In these studies, phenolic-rich extracts from less common fruit species: Blue honeysuckle (Lonicera edulis, Turcz. ex. Freyn), Saskatoon berry (Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt.), and Chinese hawthorn (Crateagus pinnatifida Bunge) were obtained and analyzed to detect neuroprotective substances content and establish a potential therapeutic value. High performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection was optimized and further applied on analysis of the extracts of less common fruit species. It was observed that Chinese hawthorn and Blue honeysuckle extracts are potent source of neuroprotective phenolic antioxidants. In accordance the results, it appears that the fruit or formulated products may have the potential for the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases